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LIME's $4-m lifeline to inner-city swimmers
Anthony Foster, Gleaner Writer
INNER-CITY SWIMMERS could soon find life better in the pool, thanks to LIME, the Caribbean's only full-service telecommunications provider. At a press luncheon held at the Pegasus Hotel yesterday, LIME's country manager (Jamaica), Geoff Houston, handed over a cheque of $4 million to SwimJamaica's boss, John Eyre, who said "swimming is no longer for the rich". This donation, LIME said, would go towards expansion of the organisation's inner-city swim programmes which provide swim-ming classes for children from undeserved communities. More than 500 potential swimmers from inner-city schools are expected to participate in the programmes which will be held at two Corporate Area facilities - the National Stadium pool and the Bournemouth Bath - for a year. Sponsorship areas LIME's sponsorship will take care of instructor fees, equipment, certificates, T-shirts, pool fees and teaching materials for participants. The company, which sponsored the programme under its former name, Cable & Wireless, will also provide computers and broadband Internet service for a library and homework centre to be created at Bournemouth Bath. Eyre welcomed the sponsorship. "This is indeed another mile-stone for SwimJamaica," he said. "We consider the contribution to be an investment in the future of hundreds of young people from some of our poorest communities." Houston, the newly-appointed country manager for Jamaica, said his company was about making things better for Jamaicans. "We are happy to support programmes that give our young people a chance to be involved in constructive activities that can help them to develop confidence and discipline and learn social skills," said Houston. Participants The programme, set to begin next month, will see 150 students, from Auburn Basic School, Boys' Town All-Age, Cecil Boswell Facey Basic, Crescent Road Basic, Galilee Early Childhood Development Centre, Grace Hibbert Basic School, Joy Town Learning Centre, St Albans Primary, Tarrant Baptist Basic, Victory Basic and Red Hills Road Basic, at the National Stadium pool. The Bournemouth Bath, which is scheduled to start at the same time, will cater for about 350 students.