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Dr. Small is new Inter-Secondary School Association president

Clement Radcliffe was voted out as president of the Inter-Secondary School Sports Association (ISSA).

At the association's annual general meeting held at the Terra Nova Hotel, St. Andrew, Dr. Walton Small, principal of Anchovy High, defeated incumbent Radcliffe by almost 30 votes to take over control of ISSA.

Radcliffe, however, main-tains a space on the committee as chairman of the Boys' and Girls' Champs committee. He served as head of the association for 17 years.

The full executive is: Dr. Walton Small (president); Cynthia Cooke (vice-president); Ralph Williams (treasurer); Clement Radcliffe (Champs chairman); Aston Messam, Bridgeport principal (Manning Cup chairman); Denham McIntyre, Cornwall College principal (daCosta Cup chairman); Anthony Ebanks, Innswood principal (girls' football chairman); Angella Chaplain, Vauxhall principal (netball chairman); Monica McIntyre, Ocho Rios principal (basketball chairman); Albert Corcho, Tarrant principal (urban cricket chairman); Lt. Col. Errol Johnson, St. Mary Tech principal (rural cricket chairman); Phillip Wilson, St. Thomas Tech principal (junior football chairman); Dennis Clarke, Dinthill Tech principal (table tennis); Hazel Cameron, Clan Carthy principal (swimming/lawn tennis chairman); Claney Barnett, Haile Selassie principal (volleyball chairman).