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Seven-time champion takes title

Paul-Andre Walker, Staff Reporter

THE INCLEMENT weather didn't dampen the focus of Shane Matthews, who had to fight off a strong field to take the 2005 Jamaica Open Chess Championships at the Four Season's Hotel on Monday.

With 60 contestants eager for a place in Jamaica's chess history books, Matthews had to rely on the experience of being a seven-time champion to get past eight Master players in an unbeaten run.

Ending with five points, he clinched victory ahead of Warren Elliot after playing to a draw with Equitable Brown, who ended in third position and in deadlock with Duane Rowe.


Matthews' victory, which came with five points from six games, wasn't good enough initially as Elliot had also accumulated five points but was then relegated to second in a tie-breaker.

The female competition was won by Melisha Smith.

Interestingly, Smith finished ahead of her sister, Queen's High's Annesha.

While competition was close in the Masters segment, it was even closer in the category for those players rated under-1800.

At the death, three players, Glenmuir's Walter Williams, his schoolmate Onaje Lamont and Ardenne's Hakim Buchanan found themselves locked on five points.

In the tie-breaker that followed, Williams turned out the winner ahead of Lamont, with Buchanan ending third.

Players can again go for glory when the Clarendon Open, which is the Jamaica Chess Association's next tournament on the calendar, comes up on November 19 in May Pen.